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Recent Advances in Pediatrics (Special Volume 21): Neonatal & Pediatric Intensive Care-REVISION - 27/01-jayppe-UNIVERSAL BOOKS

Recent Advances in Pediatrics (Special Volume 21): Neonatal & Pediatric Intensive Care


Author/Editor Gupte Suraj
ISBN 9789350251409
Speciality Pediatrics
DOI 10.5005/jp/books/11406
Edition 1/e
Publishing Year 2011
Pages 588


The book “Recent Advances in Pediatrics (Special Volume 21): Neonatal & Pediatric Intensive Care” aims at covering topical issues in neonatal and pediatric intensive care. It gives a detailed review with the depth and breadth of knowledge in the field of contemporary neonatal and pediatric intensive care with special reference to its applicability in the Indian subcontinent. The book is divided into two parts namely, Part A—neonatal intensive care and Part B—pediatric intensive care. The topics covered in neonatal intensive care are neonatal resuscitation, neonatal ventilation, CPAP technology, respiratory distress, neonatal sepsis, neonatal meningitis, bleeding disorders, nosocomial infections, neonatal hypoglycemia, neonatal jaundice and so on. The topics covered in pediatric intensive care are status epilepticus, acute bronchiolitis, pneumonia, asthma, diabetic ketoacidosis, anemia, comatose child, gastrointestinal bleeding, acute abdomen, and so on. All these are covered in detail along with the latest diagnostics tools used and management.

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