- ISBN 9789350904350
- Edition 1/e
- Publish Year 2013
- Pages 420
- Size 6.25" X 9.5"
- Cover Type Paper Back
- With CD/DVD No
- Weight (Grams) 760
Advances in the field of ophthalmology are rapid and ever-increasing. It is impossible to cover all advances occurring every year in a small volume. Therefore, like previous series, Recent Advances of Ophthalmology–11 contains some selected chapters on glaucoma, lens, retina, and systemic diseases. Approximately 50% of chapters deal with diseases of the retina, some are common and some rare. Two out of three editorials are on retina. Retinopathy of prematurity, macular hole, macular dystrophy, central serous chorioretinopathy, proliferative vitreoretinopathy, and retinal vascular occlusion are challenging problems. They may cause loss of vision if not managed properly.
Key Features
• This eleventh volume of Recent Advances in Ophthalmology containing 21 chapters and 3 editorials provides a basic understanding of new developments in the subject which would help the clinicians in day-to-day clinical practice and care of the patients.
• Indications for treating macular hole with better surgical techniques and expert guidance to further improve the results of the macular hole surgery has been succinctly reviewed in this version of the book.
• The editorial on artificial retinal implants and the pilot researches that indicate implantation of biomedical devices can restore some useful vision in patients with blindness are likely to engross the readers.
• The link between the eye and systemic diseases has been reviewed in detail under the topics such as “Ocular involvement in systemic rheumatic diseases; Giant cell arteritis; HIV and Opportunistic infections of eye; etc.
• This book is unique because it provides not only the recent headways in ophthalmology, but also has valuable editorials on topics such as retinopathy of prematurity, macular hole, macular dystrophy, central serous chorioretinopathy, proliferative vitreoretinopathy, and retinal vascular occlusion. This book also covers all the latest information related to macular hole Surgery, collagen disorders etc. which have rarely been discussed in any other book.