Author/Editor | Bagga Arvind, Chugh Krishan, Choudhury Panna, Ramji Siddharth |
ISBN | 9788184489507 |
Speciality | Pediatrics |
DOI | 10.5005/jp/books/11182 |
Edition | 3/e |
Publishing Year | 2011 |
Pages | 811 |
The book has been extensively revised and updated, to reflect the current standards of emergency care relevant to the needs of pediatricians working in developing countries. The present edition continues with its tradition of serving the needs of physicians involved in the immediate care of children and neonates with life-threatening illnesses. This book continues to have the privilege of scholarly writings from illustrious authors, across the country. A number of chapters have been completely rewritten, including those on hematological disorders, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, neonatal surgical disorders, and ophthalmologic emergencies. We hope that this text shall continue to serve the needs of pediatricians, physicians, resident doctors, other trainees and be a part of all pediatric emergency units. For the practitioners of pediatric care, emergencies in children and neonates are an inescapable fact in their daily routine. Better understanding of pathophysiology and drug metabolism and availability of newer investigative and diagnostic facilities have led to the creation of new frontiers in this important subject. Prompt recognition and appropriate management of these emergencies make the difference between life and death. The present publication has been extensively updated and enlarged from the earlier experiment which now appears like a distant cousin. Guidelines have also been incorporated for organization of pediatric intensive care units. This volume is intended for pediatricians and physicians sharing initial contact with emergencies in children and neonates as well as those responsible for the subsequent critical and intensive care. Postgraduate students should find it of particular help. The book should also prove invaluable for all current and intended pediatric emergency care units. It is reasonably detailed and is a good blend of latest developments in the management approach in various pediatric and neonatal emergencies within the constraints of resources and equipment faced at most of the places. This book will fulfill all needs of both, the practicing pediatricians and postgraduate students in dealing with emergencies.