- Edición: 1ª
- Autores: Tanveer Khalid Zubairi; Nadir Khan
- Editorial: Jaypee
- ISBN: 9789350257708
- Formato: Rústica/Paperback
- Nº volumenes: 1 Páginas: 400
- Año publicación: 2012
This book “Atlas of Pediatric Ultrasound” is basically an Atlas, with legend accompanying the pictures. The pictures are of highest quality and resolution. It is easy to read and follow for radiology undergraduates, the pediatricians and the surgeons. In this book provided almost the entire body systems. The book is divided into systems and chapters. Fourteen chapters of this book provide complete insight into various photographs of pediatric ultrasound. The book will find a place in the hands of all clinicians dealing with children, and on the shelf of every radiology set up.