SBN: 9789350902677
Audience: Tertiary; University or College
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Number Of Pages: 1080
Published: 1st July 2013
Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
Country of Publication: IN
Dimensions (cm): 27.9 x 21.6 x 4.6
Weight (kg): 3.15
Congenital heart diseases are the most common birth defects among neonates born worldwide. Advancements in
pediatrics, congenital heart surgery, anesthesia, internal medicine and obstetric/gynecology have allowed the majority of these infants to survive from childhood into adulthood. Systematic categorization and classifications by embryologists/ pathologists had led to a fundamental understanding of these defects and their associated disorders.
It is, therefore, not surprising that most health providers including the specialists in this field are often overwhelmed by the various congenital heart defects (CHD). For a clinician to understand the entire spectrum of CHD from embryology/ pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnostics tests, management and surgical indications for CHD appears to be an insurmountable task. From making the correct diagnosis to appropriate management requires considerable knowledge and experience. In addition, rapid advances in both catheter-based interventions and surgeries for fetus to grown-up/ adult congenital heart diseases (GUCH/ACHD) needs a deeper understanding of the guidelines and appropriate use criteria (AUC) in order to facilitate proper decision-making by combining the best available scientific evidence with the collective judgment of physicians/surgeons.
Public awareness and patient education are critical to improvements in health care. Fortunately, web-based resources and media are making this knowledge more accessible to all. However, the complexities of CHD often make it difficult even for experts to provide a focused explanation as well as answer all the queries.
Although there are several textbooks on the various aspects of CHD, there are very few that are focused yet comprehensive to address all aspects of the care required for this special population. For medical/postgraduate students and practitioners, quite frequently a lot of time is spent in referring to various resources in order to pull together complete diagnostic and management strategies for one disease!
This book entitled, A Comprehensive Approach to Congenital Heart Diseases is designed to address all the practical aspects that a health provider needs to know to deliver excellent care to the children and adults with CHD. In this book a wholehearted attempt has been made to cover all aspects from embryology, fetal malformations, pathology, clinical approach, diagnostic investigations, management issues, current interventions to the surgery/heart-lung transplantation for CHD. Our ‘A to Z’ approach addresses transition of care into adulthood, long-term issues facing the adults with CHD including pregnancy, contraception and gynecological issues. Multiple distinguished authors from all over India and abroad have made heartfelt contributions to make this book come alive